Wymondham Garden Club


Wymondham Garden Club - a friendly local club for likeminded people interested in any aspect of gardening – from flowers to vegetables, shrubs to indoor plants and all things green in between. You don’t need to be an expert or have green fingers to join.

We welcome all.

The club meets once a month.

An annual programme gives details of the meetings.

Some meetings are illustrated talks from guest speakers, with displays and/or plants. Some events are more socially orientated such as the Gardeners Question time evening or December “Christmas Party” meeting.

Occasional summer visits are also arranged to Private gardens or gardens not usually open to the public.

The club also has a Show Table for a seasonal blooms (details are in the annual programme). There’s also a cookery and a photographic competition - not everyone has flowers they wish to take and show.  We also have a table for items which are “A favourite from my garden” where members can display any plant or object they personally like.

The regular monthly meetings are held at the Town Green Centre – access from either Town Green or Back Lane. Members begin to arrive from 7.15pm, complementary refreshments are provided. This gives members time to circulate, bring/admire exhibits on the show table, catch up with fellow gardeners & relax. Meetings aim to start officially at about 7.30 pm, aiming to finish between 9 and 9.15pm.

The club is run by a small volunteer committee. There is an annual membership fee (year January to December), proportionally reduced for people who join later in the year. Guests are always welcome, a small admission fee is charged.

Details of meetings and events are posted on the clubs’ Facebook page (Wymondham Garden Club), also on Wymondham community Facebook pages & in print/on-line in the Wymondham Magazine.


Wymondham Garden Club - a friendly local club for likeminded people interested in any aspect of gardening – from flowers to vegetables, shrubs to indoor plants and all things green in between. You don’t need to be an expert or have green fingers to join.

We welcome all.

The club meets once a month.

An annual programme gives details of the meetings.

Some meetings are illustrated talks from guest speakers, with displays and/or plants. Some events are more socially orientated such as the Gardeners Question time evening or December “Christmas Party” meeting.

Occasional summer visits are also arranged to Private gardens or gardens not usually open to the public.

The club also has a Show Table for a seasonal blooms (details are in the annual programme). There’s also a cookery and a photographic competition - not everyone has flowers they wish to take and show.  We also have a table for items which are “A favourite from my garden” where members can display any plant or object they personally like.

The regular monthly meetings are held at the Town Green Centre – access from either Town Green or Back Lane. Members begin to arrive from 7.15pm, complementary refreshments are provided. This gives members time to circulate, bring/admire exhibits on the show table, catch up with fellow gardeners & relax. Meetings aim to start officially at about 7.30 pm, aiming to finish between 9 and 9.15pm.

The club is run by a small volunteer committee. There is an annual membership fee (year January to December), proportionally reduced for people who join later in the year. Guests are always welcome, a small admission fee is charged.

Details of meetings and events are posted on the clubs’ Facebook page (Wymondham Garden Club), also on Wymondham community Facebook pages & in print/on-line in the Wymondham Magazine.



Business Address
c/o 46 Wood Avens Way, Wymondham, NR18 0XP
Post Code
NR18 0XP

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