Abbey Summer Fair
Things are warming up nicely for this year’s summer fair at Wymondham Abbey Church St, Wymondham NR18 0PH. Abbey Days are back again!
We’ve got the Big Abbey Zumba and you can learn the routine by watching Team Rachel’s Zumba online in advance. We’ll be posting the link soon and filming it all by drone. Come and join the party!
Don’t miss the fun and mayhem with Mr Sam the Magic Man. Since his appearance on Britain’s Got Talent, Mr Sam has been entertaining crowds of all ages with his magic, games, and cheekiness. We’re thrilled he’s bringing Punch & Judy too!
Live music will be brought to you by the fantastic Eat Your Greens and more fabulous local acts to be announced.
Browse the vast range of stalls offering unique crafts, sweet treats and Norfolk produce. Get ready to treat yourself with delicious street food and plenty to hit the sweet spot. If you fancy a cooling summer tipple, we’ve got that sorted too!
It’ll be competition time to find the best moves in our kids dancing competition – though parents are always welcome to join in and show them how it’s done.
But if you just want to kick-back and soak it all in, there will be dance performances for you to enjoy.
So, put the date in your diary and dig your picnic blanket out. If you could bring sunshine, that would be great!
Stall holders, please visit www.clearcompany.org.uk/abbeysummer for booking details.