Wymondham Abbey Christmas Fair

Abbey Days are here again in Wymondham this winter as the historic Wymondham Abbey gears up for yet another of its much loved community Christmas Fairs for the town and visitors to enjoy on Saturday 23rd November.
There will be more than 50 craft stalls, live music, street food, sweet treats, a licensed bar with mulled wine plus activities and crafts for the whole family to enjoy. Watch this space for more information, put the date in your diary and come along, you won’t be disappointed.
If you’d like to book a stall, go to the Clear Company website
where you will find the form. Please do not book on any other website other than clearcompany.org.uk as there are several Facebook scam booking links for this and other events asking you to pay to reserve a pitch.


Nov 23 2024


11:00 - 16:00


Wymondham Abbey
Church Street Wymondham NR18 0PH